Personal Information

Supporting Documents
Equity and Diversity Survey

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in applying to a faculty position at McGill University. McGill believes that diversity among within our workforce is a matter both of fairness and of enriching the advancement of our academic mission. Opportunities for intellectual, academic, and professional growth flourish in communities that reflect a diverse set of social identities and experiences.

McGill welcomes and encourages applications from racialized persons/visible minorities, women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and LGBTT2SQ* persons, as well as from all qualified candidates with the skills and knowledge to productively engage with diverse communities.

McGill implements an employment equity program and encourages all applicants to self-identify as part of the application process. Accordingly, we ask applicants to please complete the equity and diversity survey below. Data you provide will be treated as strictly confidential, and will be used by the search committee and by the Provost's office for the sole purpose of ensuring adherence to McGill's Academic Recruitment Guidelines.

For more information, Please also consult McGill’s Employment Equity Guidelines.

Thank you for your participation.

Professor Christopher P. Manfredi
Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)

If you do not wish to complete the survey, check the box below.

1. Women

For the purposes of employment equity, women are a designated group.

2. Indigenous Persons of North America

For the purposes of employment equity, Indigenous persons of North America are a designated group. Included in this category are First Nations (status or non-status), Inuit, and Métis as well as Native Americans and Alaskan Natives in the USA.

If you answered “yes”, please check those that apply to you:

3. Disability and Impairment

For the purposes of employment equity, “persons with disabilities” are a designated group. “Persons with disabilities” refers to people who have a long-term, persistent or recurring physical, mental, sensory, psychiatric or learning impairment and who either consider themselves to be disadvantaged in employment because of that impairment and the functional limitations it causes, or who believe that an employer might consider them to be disadvantaged.

Persons with disabilities include those who have been accommodated in their current job because of their functional limitations (e.g., by means of technical aids, changes to equipment or other working arrangements).

If you answered “yes”, please check those that apply to you:

4. Racialized Persons/Visible Minorities

For the purposes of employment equity, racialized persons/visible minorities are a designated group. This group refers to people (other than Indigenous peoples) who are racialized or non-white, regardless of their place of birth or citizenship.

If you answered “yes”, please check those that apply to you:

* Please note that we have chosen the following terms because these are used in the Canadian census. Using terminology consistent with the census will help the University to compare representation, measure progress and set goals.

5. Ethnic Minorities/First Language Learned

For the purposes of employment equity, ethnic minorities are a designated group. This group refers to people whose mother tongue is neither French nor English, and who are NOT racialized persons/ visible minorities or Indigenous persons.

6. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

For the purposes of employment equity, sexual orientation and gender identity minorities (LGBTT2SQ*) are designated groups. This includes people whose sexual orientation is other than heterosexual/straight, and/or people whose gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth.

If you answered “yes”, please check those that apply to you:

i. Sexual Orientation

ii. Gender Identity

Thank you for taking the time to complete this census. All information that you provide is confidential and will be used for Employment Equity purposes only. Please refer to the Employment Equity website for more information.